Tendering for Care

Care Tendering Courses - In-house for 2019/20

Courses designed for delivery to closed groups such as companies, charities, GP practices and CCGs, Boards of Directors/Trustees, Voluntary Organisations, Groups of Commissioners and others

In-house courses which feature the reuirements of the New Directive

The Public Services Directive 2014/24/EU became EU law on 14th April 2014. The new Public Contracts Regulations were published on 26th February 2015. A clear picture is now developing of how the change in legal structures are affecting tenderers. One aspect which is becoming increasingly clear is that the level of increased mandatory advertising in the OJEU is resulting in more competition from companies based in other EU states. For example companies based in Spain and Sweden are known to have been awarded social care contracts. As competition increases, so tendering becomes a corporate activity which cannot be left to a single department. Staff in ALL departments, including governing bodies now need a clear understanding of the requirements.
In response to demand we are offering two courses in 2016. These both have a basic outline, but use the customer's previous tender(s) as examples throughout the course. They therefore provide opportunities to develop a strategic approach to tendering for the organisation as a whole. In doing so they identify how the customer can “get ahead" in the context of the the new rules.

 Preparing for the Selection Stage – a practical course which is based on a “walk through” of the entire tendering process and explaining the impact of the new Regulations on tenders and the provider organisation. This has a focus on the "Selection Stage" which is all about capability and compliance. This course considers how best to answer the questions as well as looking at the evidence which can be presented of capability. Getting the responses right at this stage is essential as many answers will be scored on a pass:fail basis. As one provider said "They did not even look at any of our answers". This is an essential course for managers, senior managers and Board members. 

A Forensic Approach to Method Statements – This course introduces tenderers to TfC’s unique and highly successful approach to the preparation of method statements and uses examples from winning tenders. This approach has resulted in an amazing two scores of 100% and one of 99%. Participants will the secrets of success at this level, how to expect to aconsistently achieve scores in the 90% to 95% range. Although how the tender is written is a factor in successful tendering, success at this stage requires contributions from all departments in the form of sound evidence is a crucial success factor. This course will help you to define the type and quality of evidence needed and also how to use this to best advantage

These courses will be tailored to your requirements by basing them on recent tender documents.

 Leaflets giving details of the courses are available for Download at the bottom of this page

Cost effective Training
In house courses are suitable for groups of up to 18 people.
Typical cost for a one day event is £1,500 + VAT (travel and O/N needed if delivery location is outside the M25)
Highly regarded Training Solutions to all your training requirements

In response to huge demand we offer training courses for delivery within companies, practices and organisations on an "In-house" basis. These courses are tailored to your requirement and can be delivered for teams of managers, Directors and/or Trustees within a Company, group of companies, one or more practices or for a single organisation. The Training is also suitable for groups of Companies or organisations at events arranged, for example by Government Departments such as the DWP and Department for Health, Trade or other Associations, umbrella bodies such as Councils for Voluntary Action, or for national organisations. Age UK, Carers Trust and Mencap are typical of the larger organisations which have taken advantage of this option. Although based on our standard courses, the events are tailored to meet the needs of the particular participants.

All are suitable for groups of both providers and purchasers. Current customers include:

- Companies and Charities providing health, medical and social care service;

- CCGs and GP Practices;

- Practice Managers;

- Corporate events including Groups and Workshops;

- Boards of Directors and Trustees;

- Commissioners and purchasers, PCTs, health and social care purchasers;

- Local Authority, PCT and NHS staff;

- National and regional events as a specific input to a wider event, and for those convened for the purpose;

- Senior and other Management team meetings;

- Trade and other Associations, umbrella bodies or partnerships with a common interest.

Other courses which are suitable for the in-house format

"Tendering as a Consortium" - A course which goes through the rules, the risks which Trustees/Directors and providers face as a result of the Competition Act 1998 and discusses models and approaches which comply with the Act. Suitable for groups of providers considering entering into  collaborative arrangements. 

 "How to Tender as a Consortium" - this is an essential course for companies, consultants and others who are considering working collabiratively to submit a tender. The course includes the legislation, what Managers and the Board should consider, consortium models such as sub-contracting and prime contractor, advantages and disadvantages and the potential pitfalls

All courses are CPD Certified

Half day Briefings or workshop sessions focus on specific aspects of tendering and procurement.

All of the following can be delivered online in webinar format

Titles include the following or can be tailored to meet requirements.

These events can be delivered by telephone conferencing or Skype in order to minimise costs:

  • Tendering and Procurement Regulatory Framework including the Competition Act
  • Challenging the puchaser's decisions
  • Understanding and Implementing Due Diligence for Tendering
  • Managing your Contract
  • Developing a Consortium
  • Establishing and tendering as an SPV
  • How to Answer the Environmental Question
  • Using your Policies to Increase your Tender Score
  • Please note that all of our courses are CPD Certified
Please Contact us for information on these courses and to discuss your requirements

A link to the Company's Training and Services Cancellation Policies can be found at the bottom of this page

Tel. 01629 57501

email info@tenderingforcare.com

Participants have said:

"Totally eye opening 'need to know' information that would be difficult to acquire without today — thank you"

"Extremely informative and well presented — a mountain of information with backup info on CD"

"It was wonderful! so much information, scary and humbling — so much to learn"

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